首页> 学术问答> 美国波士顿学院商科面试有面经吗?





2023-04-27 17:00:56





  Give me your description of what a Master of Science in Mathematical Finance entails? 

       What work do you expect to undertake in this program and how you are prepared for it?


  最好的成就,personally or professionally?why?

  Top three factors contributed to your decision to apply for a seat in this program.

  Who do you admire and why?

  The most influential people to you and why?

  Tell me about an activity or internship that you worked so hard. What is the outcome?

  在 Internships 或 Extracurricular activities 有沒有碰过什么 difficulty? 如何解決? outcome 为何?

  What's your most meaningful team project and why?

  Most meaningful professional accomplishment.

  你担任 leader 的 club/organization 以及 what did you learn from it?

  Describe a time when your involvement in a project changed the process or the outcome of that project. What did you contribute and why it was so successful?

  Tell me about a time when you had a different opinion from your team member's. What did you do, and what was the outcome?

  Please tell me about a time when you engaged others in a discussion to share ideas. How did you engage others, and what was the outcome of the discussion?

  Talk about a time where you worked as a member of a team and what skills did you bring to the team?

  What do you want to introduce to your classmates and why?

  What does it mean to be successful? Why?

  对你最重要的 compliment 是来自谁的?为什么?


  What make you happy and why?

  What's the best gift that you've received? Why?

  你最 passionate about 的是什么?why?

  如果你可以 make a change to the world,你会做什么?

  如果你的公司做了 against the law, what will you do and why?

  Please tell me about a time when you were faced with a significant challenge at work or school. What was your response to the challenge, and what was the outcome?

  The great failure and what do you learn from it?

  Which event in the history do you want to witness?

  Describe a time when you had to analyze a problem to arrive at a solution. What steps did you take, and how did your analysis help you to deal with the situation?

  如果你有 one million 美元你会怎么做?

  Which movie character do you want to be and why?

  你 afternoon free 的时候会干嘛?

  最想参加的电视节目?为什么?Tv show.

  Favorite travel destination and why?

  How your background can influence your experience in a graduate study?

  你希望你能 better at doing what?

  如果在 graduate school 只能学一点,你想学什么,why?

  What is your favorite website, and why?

  What three traits do you think that all successful team have. Why these traits are important?


  What work do you expect to undertake in this program and how you are prepared for it?


  Tell us about a time when you were on a team where someone was not keeping up with his or her responsibilities. How did you handle it?

  Most difficult decision in last 6 months.


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